Request Body Caching in Spring Boot Application

Doyle Wilson
2 min readJan 4, 2023


When an exception is thrown from an application. The exception will be directed to ExceptionControllerAdvice for performing any custom logic like sending notifications to the error queue or for sending alarms.

The message payload of the notification should contain the request body, this will help the support team to understand for which request this exception has been logged into SQS or SNS, etc.

To enable this functionality, the following are the steps adopted,

Step 1 : Adding the dependency

In pom.xml, add the below dependency

Step 2 : Enabling the configuration

Add a config file to enable the cache name to store and retrieve the values.

Step 3 : Caching the request body

Either in the controller or service class, cache the request body.

  • The requestModel mentioned in the above screenshot is the request body passed to the endpoint

Step 4 : Get the request body from the cache

Now the request body is present in the cache, you can get it by adding the code snippets in your class

var requestObject = cacheManager.getCache(“requestBody”).get(“body”).get();



Doyle Wilson

Technology Architect | Solution Designer| Java | Microservices | AWS | Terraform | Spring Boot